Lymphedema Job Postings

About Lymphedema Job Postings

Position vacancies can have a rapid trickle-down effect negatively impacting your organization’s productivity, patient care, and reputation. The process for searching, screening, and interviewing can be costly and time-consuming. So focusing your efforts to attract quality candidates with the specific skill sets you are looking for will benefit numerous stakeholders, which includes your team, the candidates searching for you, and the all the patients coming to your organization for care.

The National Lymphedema Network offers a forum dedicated to lymphedema positions. Whether the position you are looking to fill is clinical, administrative, research-based, or simply related to lymphedema, the NLN’s Lymphedema Job Postings will facilitate you connecting with ideal candidates.

Your employment opportunity will be posted via the following avenues:

- National Lymphedema Network website (posting will remain until position is filled)
- Virtual newsletter emailed to NLN membership and subscribers
- Social media - LinkedIn and Facebook

The fees is $600 for all three platforms.

Thank you for choosing the NLN as a forum to post your open position.